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Writer's pictureRKIS Team

In Splendid Company: An Ode to Teaching

In the realm of chalk-dusted halls, a query arose,

A lady teacher pondered, "Why teach? What path do I choose?"

Answering the call, in splendid company she'd stand,

A statesman wise, a doctor's steady hand.

A builder shaping arches, a minister on stage,

A gathering of laborers, wisdom as their wage.

Teachers, farmers, merchants, and those who pray,

Crafting tomorrows in an intricate ballet.

"I may not see the church, or hear the sacred word,

Yet their impact is felt, their influence stirred.

In youth's fleeting joy, I knew them once, oh boy!

Weak, strong, bold, proud — emotions to deploy."

"Why teach?" they inquire, as the reply rings clear,

In splendid company, where bonds endear.

A profession of purpose, beyond the seen,

Where hearts are shaped, and futures convene.

So let the stories echo, in classrooms' gentle hum,

A symphony of knowledge, where countless futures drum.

In the company of dreamers, architects of the mind,

Teaching, shaping, guiding — in their purpose, they find.

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